Obion County Board of Education
November 1, 2010

Agenda Item: VIII.C.

Consider/Approve Amendment to Board Policy #4.700 – Testing Programs

Background Information:

The Tennessee School Boards Association (TSBA) has recommended a change to Board Policy #4.700 – Testing Programs, and this change reflects the latest legislative action. The Board’s current policy is included for your reference. Public Chapter 1127 provides, "each local board of education shall develop a policy by which student scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program's grades three through eight (3-8) achievement tests shall comprise a percentage of the student's final grade for the spring semester in the subject areas of mathematics, reading/language arts, science and social studies. The percentage shall be determined by the local board from a range of no less than fifteen percent (15%) and no more than twenty-five (25%)." Since the percentages only apply to the “spring semester,” the percentages on an annual basis equate to seven and one-half percent (7½%) to twelve and one-half percent (12½%). By law, these percentages are to be used for the spring semester of 2011.

After much discussion with administrators and teachers (during county-wide teacher meetings), it appears to be the consensus that the highest percentage be used in calculating the students’ grades for the spring semester. For years, teachers have been held accountable for student test scores, as calculated via value-added scores, while students have had no particular reason to strive to do their absolute best on the achievement tests. However, as a whole, our students have performed quite well on the achievement tests and I see no reason not to score these tests at the highest percentage.

The only change to the policy is the addition beginning on line 34. For Obion County, this sentence should read “Student scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program’s grades three through eight (3-8) achievement tests shall comprise twenty-five percent (25%) of the student’s final grade in the spring semester in the subject areas of mathematics, reading/language arts, science, and social studies.”

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of the above-noted amendment to Board Policy #4.700 on first reading.